government facilities
Maryland Sound and Image provides our Governmental Agencies with the best possible technology and service at a great price. We have helped government in various states throughout the United States. Maryland Sound & Image has created custom-configured sound systems to facilitate the exchange of information from the U.S. Congress to the National Security Agency. Government and state office buildings are usually acoustically challenged. Maryland Sound designs systems that are flexible in order to adapt to a diverse range of needs which include video teleconferencing, multimedia, and paging systems.
We have designed state-of-the-art systems for:
- National Defense University
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- The White House Department of Agriculture
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Fort Detrick
- Fort Myers
- Fort Belvoir
- National Air and Space Administration (NASA)
- Johns-Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
- Andrews Air Force Base
- National Institute of Health
- Naval Research Labs
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Army Research Labs
- President Bush Inaugural on Capital Plaza